Professor Jeremiah Kalai has called on the National Government to re-think its investment in research and financing of higher education. He said this in his article titled ‘Education in the context COVID-19 and other related Emergencies’ published in the website of the Department of Educational Administration & Planning, University of Nairobi. Prof. Kalai observed that “The current revenue streams for higher education are very limited. If we are to make meaningful progress, researchers, innovators and financing of higher education need to be a key focus.” He suggests that for now and the future, the national and county governments collaborate with researchers and educators so that the same can be drivers of informing policy and practice in matters relating to disasters, emergencies and matters of national importance.

Professor Kalai is Associate Professor of Educational Management, University of Nairobi. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) in Educational Administration and Evaluation from the University of Pune.

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