What are the requirements for collection of Certificates by self?

1. Original and copy of the National Identity Card.
2. Online clearance/Copy of the Clearance Certificate for graduates of 2007 and below.
3. Copy of the gown collection form.

What are the requirements for collection of Transcript by self?

1. Original and copy of the National Identity Card.
2. Online clearance/copy of online Clearance Certificate.

What are the requirements for application for Letter in lieu of lost certificate by self?

1. Original and copy of the National Identify Card.
2. Original and copy of a Police Abstract.

What are the requirements for re-issuance of a transcript?

1. Original and copy of the National Identify Card.
2. Payment of Ksh. 500/= per set via M-Pesa.

What are the requirements for collection of transcripts by agent?

1. Original and copy of National Identify Card/Passport for both the owner of the Transcript and the agent.
2. Authority from the sender for collection of Transcript.
3. Copy of Clearance Certificate.

What are the requirements for collection of a letter in lieu of certificate by agent?

1. Original and copy of National Identify card/passport for both sender and agent.
2. Authority from the sender for collection of the letter in lieu of lost Certificate.
3. Copy of Police Abstract.

What are the requirements for Letter of English Proficiency?

  1. Copy of National ID.
  2. Copy of Certificate.
  3. Ksh 200/= paid via M-Pesa.
  4. Request Letter.
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