November 4, 1:00 pm

As part of the events to celebrate the UoN’s Golden Jubilee, the Department of History and Archaeology will host a webinar on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 from 2.00 PM (East African Time) titled ‘UoN@50: Scholarship Trajectories a Half Century On.’  

The webinar will reflect on the history of scholarship in the University over in a number of disciplines. We argue that the historical trajectory of UoN’s scholarship, in its different facets, phases and agency, went beyond the simple binary of Marxists and non-Marxist conceptions alluded to above. We have put together a multidisciplinary team of academics, as presenters and discussants, to reflect on the contradictions that have constituted the scholarship in UoN in the last half century as we look forward to the history of the future in the next half century.

 Join the discussion by registering through the link below: