1. The First KUCCPS revision ended on, 7th June 2023

2. Results for the first selection shall be out by 19th June; those who would have missed out will be notified for a second revision, which will run from 19th to 30th June 2023.

3. Those who would, still, have missed will be offered a third revision that will run from 10th to 14th July 2023

4. Final placement will be announced on 9th August 2023.

5. Inter-University Transfer will be allowed from 1st August to 30th August 2023

6. University Funding Board (UFB) and HELB application will run from July to August. Note: Government scholarship replaces Government sponsorship, hence not automatic, you must apply. How you will fill out & file the application will determine your fees and loan. Note: fees will be a trade-off between Scholarship and loan and shall be determined by how you will fill your forms.

7. Disbursement of UFB and HELB will start in August.

To Note:

NO university shall open before mid-August.