Poster Winners at the 8th APC in Entebbe, Uganda.

Three University of Nairobi students were among winners of awards for Poster Presentation at the 8th African Population Conference held in Entebbe, Uganda, 18-22 November 2019. The theme of the conference was “Harnessing Africa’s Population Dynamics for Sustainable Development: 25 Years after Cairo and Beyond”. 

Mr. Bernard Kiprotich, Mr. Caleb Ouma Ongong’a and Mr. Anthony Okundi managed to make the University of Nairobi proud as they showcased their prowess in their areas of study, population studies.

The 8th African Population Conference brought together scientists from various disciplines, policymakers, practitioners, civil society organizations, international organizations, donors and other stakeholders from Africa and across the world. Discussions centered on the most pressing population and development issues confronting the continent and also examined opportunities and best practices that can be leveraged for the continent’s sustainable development.

In their website, the Union for African Population Studies stated that it was delighted and proud of the poster winners for the 8th African Population Conference. 

To see the winning posters and more information, please click here.