Inter-faculty transfers are processed within the first three weeks of the first semester. Students should note that transfers can only be offered if there is a vacant position and if the student meets ISO 9001:2008 Certified the requisite admission criteria for the particular course. Students should also note that merit is used as criteria for transfer and that all applicants to a particular course will be ranked in order of merit. A student wishing to transfer will be required to submit his/her request for inter-faculty transfer online through the student portal upon payment of the fee of Ksh. 1,000 at the Student Finance Office.
Students who will have succeeded in their application for transfer will receive an official letter of transfer from the Academic Registrar and will be expected to report and register in their new courses by the fourth week of the semester at the latest.
It is important for students to note that all inter-faculty transfers are subject to approval by the Deans Committee and that once the transfers have been approved the exercise is closed and no late applications or appeals will be considered.
A student who for any reason is unable to take up the offer of admission will be required to inform the Academic Registrar by either filling in Form J1/1B of the Joining Instructions or writing directly to the Academic Registrar. This information should reach the Academic Registrar at least one week prior to the date of registration.
The student will be required to apply to defer admission on an annual basis but after the second year the offer of admission will lapse and the student will be required to re-apply afresh for admission. It is important that a student who defers admission ensures that he or she receives an official letter of deferment of admission from the Academic Registrar. A student who fails to inform the Academic Registrar of his/her deferment of admission will be deemed to have forfeited his/her position and will be de-registered.