The University of Nairobi Senate approved guidelines and procedures for online examinations on May 08, 2020. The Special Senate Meeting was chaired by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama. The Senate relied on the provisions of Statutes- XXV that gives Senate the mandate over all academic matters in the University.

The University had adopted e-learning in March 2020 following the government’s ban on meetings and congregations to check the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

During his online address to all staff and students, Prof. Kiama lauded the success of online teaching and learning at UoN. He observed that 5,564 online class sessions had so far been held from the time that the implementation commenced. The Vice Chancellor thanked staff and students for their cooperation and embracing e-learning.

The Vice Chancellor reiterated that the guidelines and procedures for online exams had been bench marked against global best practices and that the quality and integrity will not be compromised. The VC acknowledged that students with special needs and other disadvantaged groups may face difficulties in undertaking online exams but their issues shall be addressed individually as they arise.