Webinar on the Relevance of Nuclear Science and Technology to Sustainable Social and Economic in the South

You are invited to a UoN@50 Webinar organised by the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology . The Objective of the Webinar is to bring on board multi-stakeholders to demystify the noble field of Nuclear Science and Technology. The webinar will be held on  Wednesday, 2nd December 2020  from 2.00 pm to 4.00pm .  Below is the link for the webinar on Nuclear Science and technology. https://bit.ly/3o4SeEl More information on the webinar is available in the poster attached.

Implementation of the new competence-based curriculum (CBC): Lessons learned from Finland

The department of physical education and sport, college of education and external studies Kikuyu campus wishes to invite you to an international UON@50 webinar whose theme is celebrating 50 years of academic excellence on December 2, 2020 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am. All students partaking education courses too are invited to the webinar. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81252493553?pwd=V2ZlL25qRFhSTFpNbjlBWERIZ0pOdz09

Webinar Invitation – The Excluded Majority? Kenya’s COVID-19 Response – The Youth Perspective

The Office of Career Services invites all staff and students to a webinar on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 2.00 p.m. to gain insights on the effectiveness of Kenya's COVID response from a youth perspective!  Register now at https://bit.ly/3q4PIji to secure your spot and interact with our dynamic panel.