Invitation to the IBM Academic Initiative Webinar

The Office of Career Services invites all staff and students to the IBM Academic Initiative Program webinar designed for students and faculties to give them access to the most relevant tools for the current job market.  IBM is committed to helping colleges and universities worldwide adapt their curricula to prepare students for success in a dynamic and fiercely competitive IT workplace. Through this global program, students and faculties are offered a wide range of technology education benefits that can be scaled to meet the goals of large research universities, community colleges and vocational schools.  Webinar details are indicated below:  Date: Wednesday October 7, 2020  Time: 10.00 a.m. Webinar Theme: The IBM Academic Initiative - Access to new technologies and educational resources from IBM. To register and join the Webinar, click on this link below:  Staff from the ICT Centre, Faculty and Students from the School of Computing and Informatics are highly encouraged to attend.  Attendance of the webinar is open to all and free of charge.

Development Policy Debate 50 Years On

The Institute for Development Studies (IDS), University of Nairobi invites all staff,students and members of the public to a series of IDS Day seminars starting on Thursday October 8, 2020. The seminars comprise presentations by leading African scholars and researchers. Since its inception on October 8, 1965, IDS has carried out research on issues of development concern and has been collaborating with partners locally and globally to influence development policy and practice. The seminars will also pay attention to the Kenya debate of the 70s and 80s– ‘What went right’ and ‘what has gone wrong’. The first virtual event will take place from 2:00 PM to 5.00 PM on Thursday, October 8, 2020, EAT. Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o, Prof. Issa Shivji, and Prof. Ibbo Mandaza will discuss ‘Development Policy Debate 50 Years On.' Register through the link below: