Microsoft Team Training

Dear All,

The University has organised three (3) days training for all staff which will be on Microsoft Teams. The trainings will run from Tuesday (Today) September 29, 2020 to Thursday October 1, 2020. Members of Staff are requested to choose time convenient to them and register for the training through the Zoom links shared in google docs as per the schedule attached. Please plan to participate.
Kind regards.


Course Registration by First Years (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) - Communication from the Academic Registrar

Dear Students, Greetings. It is my great pleasure to once more welcome you to the University of Nairobi. By now you must have discovered that you have joined a diverse, lively, warm and excellent University community. This marks the beginning of your new life with new perspectives and a new way of thinking. As you set yourself to begin the new academic year 2020/2021, please note the following: