Appointment of Prof. Horace Ochanda as DVC-RIE

The Director of Corporate Affairs Mr. John Orindi wishes to notify all staff and students that Prof. Horace Ochanda was appointed Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Enterprise (DVC-RIE) with effect from 5th October 2020. He replaces Prof. Madara Ogot. Prof. Ochanda was the immediate Deputy Principal at the Kenya Science Campus and is Professor of Applied Parasitology, University of Nairobi. Born in 1960, he graduated from the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor of Education (Science) Honours degree in 1985 and a Master of Science (Parasitology) in 1988. In 1994, he graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy (Parasite Epidemiology) from the University of Warwick, UK. We at the Academic Division wish to congratulate Prof. Ochanda on his new role as the DVC-RIE.

Newly Launched DAAD Scholarship Programme: Leadership for Africa

Ms. Beate Schindler-Kovats the Director, DAAD Regional Office for Africa wishes to inform all staff and students that DAAD recently launched a new Leadership for Africa Scholarship Programme. The programme is open to bachelor’s degree holders who wish to pursue a master’s degree in Germany. The scholarship is open to applicants from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. More details on the scholarship can be found at The deadline for application is Friday, 16 October 2020. For further information, one can contact the Leadership for Africa team on Webinars seminars have been organized on Tuesday, 6 October 2020 and Thursday, 8 October 2020 to elaborate more on the application process as well as to answer any questions that one may have. The links to join in the Web seminars are: i)      Tuesday, 6 October 2020  - ii)     Thursday, 8 October 2020 - Virtual visiting hours are on every Thursdays from 10 am - 11 am EAT Please share this information with your networks and encourage many Kenyan nationals to apply.

UoN@50 Reflections website - call for articles

The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Enterprise (DVC-RIE) is calling on the University Community to submit articles as part of the year-long celebrations for UON@50. The office of the DVC-RIE has brought online the UON@50 Reflections website: This will be a year-long project to document the history of the University through the eyes of those who were (and are) there.  The articles will be categorised starting with the Foundation Years (1954-1970), the Inaugural Decade (1970s), followed by each decade to 2020s.  The submitted articles should be of archival nature.  Please pass this appeal onto others, who may have left the university (graduated, retired, etc).  Submission instructions are at the bottom of the main page, The faculty members who wish to volunteer to join the Editorial Board are requested to send an email to and with the subject 'Reflections Editorial Board'. Members of the Board shall vet and recommend the articles to be published.