Call for Submission of Annual Procurement Plans 2020/2021

Mrs. Mary Mumbi Kariuki is calling on all Heads of Departments and Directors at the University of Nairobi to submit their Procurement Plans for the Financial Year 2020/2021. The deadline for submission of the Procurement Plans 2020/2021 was on 12th June 2020. In her communication to all heads of departments, Mrs. Kariuki states that the preparation of procurement plans is a statutory requirement and must be in place before the commencement of a financial year.

Zotero Referencing Tool, UoN Turnitin Similarity Checker & Plagiarism Policy - Online interactive sessions

Mrs. Angela Mumo invites staff and students of the University of Nairobi to online interactive sessions through the Google meet platform on 25th June 2020. Various facilitators will be showcasing innovative library services: Zotero Referencing Tool, UoN Turnitin Similarity Checker  & Plagiarism Policy. In her communication, Mrs. Angela Mumo states that the event will only be for the staff and students of the University of Nairobi.

Online interactive sessions - Services to PWDs, Archival Services, Microfilm Digitization, Bindery Services

The Director of Library Information Services invites staff and students of the University of Nairobi to online interactive sessions through Google meet platform on 24th June 2020. Various facilitators will be showcasing innovative library services to PWDs, Archival Services, Microfilm Digitization and Bindery Services. In her communication, Mrs. Angela Mumo states that the event will only be for the staff and students of the University of Nairobi. Please mark this event in your calendar and inform your friends to join and be part of this unique Library Virtual Open Week.