Prof. Madara Ogot is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Innovation and Enterprise, DVC(RIE) and the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance,  Planning and Development, DVC(FPD) at the University of Nairobi.

Prof. Madara Ogot is calling on faculty members of staff at the University of Nairobi to write academic articles for publishing in the Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) Blog. The Office of RIE created the Blog,,  as an avenue for University Faculty to publish insightful articles with a focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, Prof. Ogot is now calling for articles covering ALL topics and subject areas of interest to the public. He welcomed the faculty to leverage on their academic expertise and experience but present the articles at the level of the general reader.

Prof. Madara Ogot is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Research, Innovation and Enterprise, DVC(RIE) at the University of Nairobi.

Pertinent instructions and contact addresses were sent to all staff by email on June 08, 2020. For enquiries and more information please write to

Please visit the RIE Blog to read the following articles added this week:

  1. COVID-19: Can Herbal Medicine provide the much needed cure?
  2. The Forgotten policy: Corona and Gender Mainstreaming in Economic Policies  
  3. COVID-19 is a Complex Social Problem, Change the Approach
  4. Transportation in Kenya: The Weak Link in the Fight Against COVID-19