
Welcome to the Central Examinations Centre of the University of Nairobi. Since January 2009, the examinations function of the University is housed at the Central Examination Centre, Chiromo Campus of the University of Nairobi.

FAQs in examinations


What are the requirements for collection of Certificates by self?

1. Original and copy of the National Identity Card.
2. Online clearance/Copy of the Clearance Certificate for graduates of 2007 and below.
3. Copy of the gown collection form.

Mr H.O.D. Webuye defends Performance Contract for the Academic Division

The Academic Registrar, Mr H.O.D. Webuye and Section Heads defended Performance Contract for the Academic Division on March 02, 2020. This was the mid-term performance review that was also done to all other departments, schools and colleges. The lead auditor was Dr. Grace Kiringa who is also the Head of Performance Contract Secretariat. Also present during the defense were Mr. Mbuva, Dr. Ogoro, Mrs. Manya, Ms Chebet, Mr. Idicoh, Mr. Kiambi, Mr. Ouma, Ms Kyalo, Ms. Karanja among others.