Award of Honorary Degrees to Prof. Julia Ojiambo & Prof. Micere Mugo

The University of Nairobi is pleased to announce to all students, staff and members of the public that the following eminent persons satisfied all the requirements of the Honorary Degrees Committee, University Senate and Council for award of the following honorary degrees: 1. Professor Julia Ojiambo - Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) in Leadership In recognition of her distinguished and examplary career in leadership which has helped shape the face of leadership and politics in Kenya. 2. Professor Micere Mugo - Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) in Literature  In recognition of her outstanding achievements and contribution to scholarship in literature and the arts, her relentless pursuit of a socially just world, and her broader service to humanity. They will be awarded the degrees at the 64th Virtual University of Nairobi Graduation Ceremony on 11th December, 2020 at the Great Court Main Campus from 7.00 a.m. The graduation ceremony will be transmitted on NTV and UoN Social Media platforms. MR. HUMPHREY WEBUYE ​​​​​​​ACADEMIC REGISTRAR

Covid-19 prevention & control measures in offices – communication from the Academic Registrar

It is my hope that you are well and keeping safe. Please encourage staff to adhear  to the following: 1. Use masks in public places 2. Maintain social distance 3. Sanitize regularly 4. Wash hands with soap always  5. Exercise daily  6. Eat more fruits and fresh green vegetables 7. Take plenty of rest 8. Avoid stress 9. Voice worries and fears 10. Pray daily and trust in  God God has good plans for us - Jer. 29:11. Together God will see us through the challenges of Covid 19.  Please print and circulate the attached circlar to all members of staff in your Sections and ensure there is compliance.Random checks will be conducted to monitor and assess the compliance levels. God bless you. WEBUYE,H.O.D ACADEMIC REGISTRAR Ag.

The global commemoration of the World AIDS Day is on December 1, 2020

The global commemoration of the World AIDS Day is on December 1, 2020. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and is in remembrance of those who have lost their lives to complications of HIV.

The University of Nairobi will hold a virtual event on December 1, 2020 from 9.00 AM to 11.00AM. The chief guest is the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Stephen Kiama.

Provision of online services in the Academic Division - communication from the Academic Registrar

The Academic Division is experiencing an increased number of clients seeking to be attended to on a face to face basis for matters that can be expeditiously sorted out online. We have also noted an increase in hard copy documents from Faculties/Schools/Institutes and Centers. In view of the risk posed by the Covid 19 pandemic, we are appealing to staff, students and members of the public to submit their requests by email. The Academic Division will continue offering various services largely through online platforms.

Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship Programme - call for applications

Needy, bright and deserving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year undergraduate students who may wish to be considered for the above financial assistance should complete the attached application form from the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

The beneficiaries MUST be pursuing BA/Bed in Geography and Environmental Studies or BSc in Environmental Conservation at the University of Nairobi.

Commencement of Face to Face learning - Communication from the Academic Registrar

The University of Nairobi wishes to inform the following groups of students that the date for commencement of face to face learning for the 2020/21/22 Academic Year is as follows: MONDAY, 9TH NOVEMBER 2020 a) 1ST YEAR students, undertaking science-based courses with practicals, from the following Colleges: (i) College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (ii) College of Architecture and Engineering (iii) College of Biological and Physical Sciences (iv) College of Education and External Studies – Kenya Science Campus (v) College of Health Sciences. b) Postgraduate students undertaking practical research projects. c) Learners-with special needs and disability. The students should report to their respective Colleges at 8.00 am for further instructions. All students will be required to continue with the theory classes ONLINE. On arrival, students will be expected to register with their respective Faculties/Schools/Institutes. Registration will commence at 8.00 a.m as follows;- READ MORE HERE: Schedule for registration Centers and Halls of residence.

Call for DAAD Scholarship - Applications 2021 now open

The DAAD Regional Director wishes to inform all staff and students that the call for Applications for the 2021 In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme for Eastern Africa is now open! This programme is open to individual Master and PhD students in the Sub-Saharan Africa region who wish to study either in their home countries or at selected host institutions in other African countries. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at university staff in the first line, without neglecting the public sector demand for academically trained personnel.    For this region, the scholarship is open to citizens and permanent residents of sub-Saharan Africa to study in selected institutions in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. More details on the scholarship can be found here.  The deadline for application is 15 December 2020. For further information, one can contact the In-Country/In-Region team on  or per telephone on 0733 929 929. The DAAD will be conducting Web seminars from Thursday, 29 October 2020 and the very final one on 09 December 2020 from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EAT. The links to join in the Web seminars for next couple of weeks can be found here: Thursday, 29 October 2020 from 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EAT: Tuesday, 03 November 2020 from 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EAT: Thursday, 05 November 2020 from 2:00 pm -3:00 pm EAT:  Please see the attached flyer for the event schedule of the web seminars.  Also, on offer are virtual visiting hours every Thursday from 10 am - 11 am EAT.  To visit, please register at

Academic Registrar announces the Inter-Faculty Transfers results for the Module I Students

Attached please find the list of successful applicants for Inter/Intra Faculty transfers. The transfer letters have been signed and ready for collection from the Admissions Office by Faculties/Schools/Institutes/Centers. Once the student receives their letters, they should make two (2) copies, 1 to be retained at the current School and the other to be submitted by the student to the new school. The student should retain the original letter.